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Citizenship through parents being naturalized Form: What You Should Know

Citizenship By Birth Outside the United States — Citizenship for Children of U.S. Citizens Mar 12, 2025 — Citizens abroad of the U.S. are not required to obtain a passport when they are outside the U.S., including when they travel outside the country in pursuit of academic Joint travel of minor — Citizens of the United States may travel on joint travel authorizations of their parents to any country without presenting a passport. If a U.S. citizen child and his or her parent is not traveling abroad on their own, the parent will be permitted to use one passport to travel, one passport to transit through, but will  Not be permitted to hold additional foreign passport(s). If a U.S. citizen child and his or her parent wishes to travel abroad without their passports, both parent(s) must present the other parent(s) with a valid passport. Citizenship by birth outside the United States — passport for parents outside the United States — International Parental Separation — International Parental Separation Nov 1, 2025 — For purposes of U.S. immigration, the  “foreign parent(s)” does not include the natural parent of a U.S. citizen child, absent “an action taken by the U.S. government to establish parental non-marriage.” Mar 12, 2025 — When either parent(s) or a U.S. citizen child is eligible for citizenship, no special citizenship procedures apply. A person's citizenship is determined by their actions and actions by the person who was born there. Foreign parent(s)' citizenship — children born abroad to U.S. parents; children born abroad to “foreign parents” — passport for parents abroad Sep 7, 2025 — A child's citizenship remains dependent upon the actions of the American parent(s). In other words, the children  Born here in the U.S. — not born abroad or in another country May have been born and naturalized abroad and may also have acquired citizenship by birth there. In cases where one party was born and naturalized abroad and the other party was either never living in the U.S. or living overseas and not living overseas, the latter may be considered a naturalized citizen. In such cases,  the foreign citizen is deemed to possess a U.S. passport Children born abroad to a U.S. parent — foreign U.S.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Citizenship through parents being naturalized

Instructions and Help about Citizenship through parents being naturalized

Hi, this is Kirikou Tatum. I'm an immigration attorney. Today, I'm going to talk about US citizenship and the naturalization process. So, how do you become a US citizen? There are three ways to become a US citizen. The first one is the most straightforward. If you were born in the United States, you are automatically a US citizen. Or, if at least one of your parents was a US citizen at the time you were born, in most cases, you will become a US citizen as well. The third way is through naturalization. So, what are the requirements for naturalization? You have to be a permanent resident for at least five years, or be married to a US citizen and a permanent resident for three years. You also need to be physically present in the US for more than half of the required residence period. For example, if the residence period is five years, you need to be physically present in the United States for at least two and a half years. If you are married to a US citizen for three years and a permanent resident during this period, then you have to be physically present in the United States for at least 18 months. You also have to be a person of good moral character, which means you are expected to be a law-abiding person. A simple traffic ticket will not make you ineligible for naturalization, but if you have committed a crime of moral turpitude, such as theft or violent crimes, you won't be eligible. In addition, you need to be able to read, write, and speak basic English, and pass the test on US history and government. However, there are certain exceptions to these requirements. For instance, if you are at least 50 years old and have...